Locomotive Jones

I’m going to as well. The more of us that report this stuff, the better the odds that it will come back to haunt them. Can you imagine the names they would be calling us if we wrote similar crap about Hillary?

You are telling Locomotive Jones that it is cool to consume dope? Locomotive Jones is prone to peer pressure, so stop trying to exploit his weakness.

Locomotive Jones has abandoned his usage of dope because it made Locomotive Jones feel peaceful and open-minded, but you are tempting Locomotive Jones with this talk of intoxicating gummy confections.

Locomotive Jones commented in this article, and people responded to the wisdom that Locomotive Jones posted, so Locomotive Jones anticipates the usual suspects coming here to accuse Locomotive Jones of the same things that they always accuse him of, without any proof or even a screencap— posting rape/gore photos,

I used to be really proud of being from Wisconsin, but now the state just makes me depressed as hell.

Shhhhhh eat this gummi and wait a little bit. You’ll feel right as train.

Like, she actually knows that he does suck while Ivanka is still convinced that the “attention” she gets for being a hot sycophant is better than no attention at all.

I feel actively bad for Tiffany.

Locomotive Jones was high on illegal dope that night! Locomotive Jones realized what a mistake he had made in inhaling the noxious fumes of such a repugnant mind-controlling device, which had temporarily filled Locomotive Jones with kindness, good vibes, and general happiness, and Locomotive Jones was thoroughly

While Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg denies that fake news influenced the election and allowed Donald Trump’s win, it’s clear that it’s not just a symptom of the election, but a force that, if allowed to run unchecked, will grow more dangerous and more powerful over the next four years.

Now playing

Sorry if this is superficial and weird, but her hair looks good. We could have had a President with normal fucking hair.

People see this point and they’re like ‘without the electoral college less populated areas would be erased!’ I’m like ‘yeah DUH’

You hate America because you were too young or too stupid to know what the Electoral College was before the election. But hey, Locomotive Jones is sorry you’re stupid.

and just in time for Holiday Movie season we now have

The more stressed out people are, the more they want to see escapist stuff in the theaters.

Consider his appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s show in June, where he gamely participated in “Slow Jam The News,” listing his accomplishments in office, backed by The Roots and accompanied by a gleeful Fallon who can’t seem to believe his dumb luck.

Barf. Noah is such a douche.

Obama has class.