Locomotive Jones

This is absurd. She was a prostitute, by choice. She wasn’t from a broken home or a hard life and she wasn’t trafficked or victimized: she was ho that was *all about it.* She defended it. And now, after a lawyer says to go get some, she’s stealing millions in tax money from communities that can’t spare it.

It would be a lot easier and cheaper if parents just instilled in their kids an appreciation for being well read and bought their kids books or took them to the library.

I agree with poorly-funded schools suck, but the study stated that black boys growing up in homes with higher family income didn’t seem to have an effect on the data.

I may Ben misunderstanding the article but aren’t they saying income level has little to no effect on this gap?

Regardless of what happened in school, that’s not where my wife and I learned to read and not where we learned that reading was valuable. If their families don’t show interest it is unlikely the children will, and if there’s a lack of ‘interesting’ material at home then that’s a basic problem. I have no cultural

Part of this may be structural, in having texts that aren’t relevant to the experiences and legacy of African-American boys