Locomotive Jones


Whenever Megan Reynolds does an article about a black celebrity, Clover Hope gets a chill as writer’s block begins to overcome her.

I’m so done with the Fuckboy Haircut. It needs to die.

American politics often times affect lots of non-Americans. Like, oh, I don’t know, THE MUSLIM BAN?

Yeah, the Trail of Tears was awful, but it happened in 1838. The Highway of Tears— the shame of Canada— happened much more recently.

At the same time frame from what you pointed out, the US was forcing black people to go to different schools and different washrooms. I believe there was a notable American named Martin Luther King Jr. that was still alive during that time?

As a Canadian as well, I just like going down for cheap shit, laugh at the freaks and then get the fuck back to Canada. I’ll still visit.

As a Canadian, let me get this straight...