Need your safe space?
Need your safe space?
I was making jerk-off hand motions during that speech about investing in diverse work while standing in a sea of white folks, so it felt really amazing to see all that get flushed.
Moonlight wins Best Picture and Kimmel of course, has to make it all about himself.
and in Warren’s case, end a career
I’m caught between empathising with the La La Land crew and also thinking they were a little rude.
Hey, now. That is not what I saw. I saw a guy cutting through the bullshit and confusion and being clear: We did not win, Moonlight won, Moonlight gets the title and here’s the fucking card to prove it.
He had a great performance in MbtS, deserving of the award. One can separate his performance in the role from his accused abhorrent behaviour off screen.
I hate to star you (no offense) but this whole definition change is aggravating. That is not what these words mean!!
Denzel had that look on his face all night, regardless of who was winning.
Locomotive Jones loves the man, but that was a tacky way to announce the winner.
I really don’t agree with you most of the time, but I hope you have a pleasant evening.
And it’s Kara Brown, who wouldn’t be qualified to flip burgers if Nick Denton hadn’t pity-hired her.
Peace ya’ll. Jackson was so boss announcing this with Ultra CLASS.
Moana lost to Zootopia and La La Land. I t think that all that’s left is Hacksaw Ridge getting Best Picture.
La La Land won the Oscar for Best Original Song. The award was handed out by Samuel L. Jackson. He presented the statue to three white men who won an award for making jazz music.
Go the fuck to bed, already, you fragile and precious little snowflake. You sound cranky, little one.
Even if you took out Trump, a conservative acceptance speech would probably be some fundamentally flawed appeal to Judeo-Christian morals, nationalism and a lot of dog whistling.
Tell us what a pro Trump statement would sound like and then I’ll tell you how it would go over.
Once again for those in the back, free speech doesn’t give someone the right to be an evil cunt with free reign and the rest of us have to tolerate it.
Racial prejudice is in part biologically informed, in that humans developed prejudice as an instinct to protect themselves against a perceived Other that might harm them. Black people can feel prejudice against white people. But racism is something inherently tied to power hierarchies and is institutional as well as…