Locomotive Jones

Stupid comparison.

Sorry, this teacher isn’t cool and this topic isn’t funny. I’ve taught college for 15 years, and I wouldn’t say this to 18 year olds, much less 10th graders. You’re in an immense position of power as a teacher. It’s really important not to mock your students. I had one teacher in HS who consistently made fun of

Next thing you know, we’ll all be saying Showgirls was unfairly panned!

Today we remember the legacy and impact of Glitter, the legendary Mariah Carey film, originally released in September 2001 and the subject of both unfair derision and cult glorification for a decade and a half since.

Sam Biddle is, in the words of another Gawker writer, a “great blogger”.

No. If you decide to commit a terrorist attack you are solely responsible for being an asshole, nobody else.

Yes, because Islamic extremism is the fault of Western governments for alienating Muslims. Never mind the financial support that jihadists have received from very wealthy Muslims in the Middle East. It’s clearly our fault...there definitely aren’t any issues with how some Muslims view outsiders.

you liberals are clowns lol

It’s getting worse. I’m decidedly unimpressed.

You liberals are a joke.

What info in this article leads you to believe that a lack of inclusivity was the motive. Face it, white supremacy is far from the only toxic supremacist ideology sowing havoc in the world. Inclusion won’t stop it.

Hmm, they could make a show about him making amends to people he’s harmed in the past...

It wouldn’t be Jez if someone couldn’t slip in a Trump slam in every comment now would it?

Thank you for saying that. Bye for today.

*Shrug* I’m pretty okay with people doing good deeds for basically any reason.

AND giving money where it’s needed, so, you know, we can still villify her for being something something....?

Look at me here stanning for Taylor Swift but here I go.

to be fair, gawker had a history of jumping to conclusions then sweeping those mistakes under the rug when the facts settled. only “journalist” worse than merlan was biddle.

This is the place to come for women to tear down other women, but this blogger is especially both vicious and banal.. I don’t have much affection for either Swift or Kardashian, but ... Donating 100,000$US to the schools is unequivocally good. The donor doesn’t deserve to be diminished with the now-tiresome hyperbolic

You need to check your privilege, cis male. You have no right pointing out the hypocrisy of the regressive left. You need to respect their safe spaces and triggers, and understand how doubly oppressed they’ve been in their intersectionality.