Ryan Greene

I’m with you on this. I have no idea if Kesha is lying or not, but that she gave a deposition and stated that this never happened, that she’s trying to get out of a contract, and that she has that scumbag lawyer Mark Gerragos, who would totally do something like this to win a case, is certainly enough for me to hold

I personally have a rule. If three or more women accuse a man of sexual abuse than I’m going to judge the man guilty. Works pretty well, Cosby, James Deen, Jian Ghomeshi. All of them have multiple women accuse them of sexual impropriety. The chances of them being innocent and the victim of a grand conspiracy are

I really don’t get the reflexive support from the Jezebel community of Kesha. We have no hard proof that he abused or raped her, and Kesha has already admitted to lying in court. I’m not saying we should brand her a liar, but I do think that taking a wait and see approach is warranted before destroying Dr.Luke’s