
I'd eat wings off a stripper named Heaven no matter where it was.

There are titty bars that serve wings?! You're not just talking about Heaven, are you?

Lawnmower Dog. Snuffles goes off to a new place after a heartwarming goodbye, R&M make friends with Scary Terry, all good stuff.

Kinda like how nobody wants to learn anything watching TLC, and want new original programming on AMC.

That what a friend did, and it was good, but not massive-corporation-tested-and-perfected good.

Post-conversions are crap that's why, and they ruined the reputation and novelty of the actually good stuff. Film it in 3-D or don't bother.

It's worse than the pyramids…
And where the fuck are her eyebrows? I really wanna know.

Republican, sure, but not line-towers. Even the current governor is technically an Independent.

Murkowski previously won as a write-in against the GOP nominee. Alaska is not a typical red state.

Yeah, January sure came from interesting stock.

And Wasp.

I kinda miss Paris Hilton.

They're essentially bio-tech, an automated self-contained means of egg and meat production.

You missed the subtext. Want has nothing to do with it.

But to the far right everything, especially social issues, are political. So if Obama was speaking about how great it was to see a diverse group working together, that would be political to them. I guarantee they're saying that Obama only spoke his agenda, and equating Trump talk as the same thing.

I thought Arnold was Russian.
(This failed Emma Stone-type joke courtesy of Red Heat)

Just make it a multiplayer video game already. A world where everyone is a killer, with races to complete contracts? Collect coins to buy special upgrades? It's built in to the universe's base!

The two go hand-in-hand, but I took theater classes in college to GIVE me confidence. I had a hard time speaking up and being outgoing, but having the exact words to say and knowing the outcome let me practice and feel what confidence was like in a controlled environment. I still feel better in acting situations than…

He did voice a Teeny-Verse creating scientist on Rick and Morty.

My comments are a little below mediocre, but you can give it a shot. You can also pick up a James Patterson novel.