
You couldn't even buy four quality caster for less than that, or even the $25 the same dolly goes for at Lowes. My one advice is to check them closely before buying. I've seen plenty in the stack with all sorts of major grain defects in the wood. It's worth digging through the stack of dollies to find a couple with

Special tip for pros: don't try this in a load bearing wall. And yes, that attic knee can be load bearing, or at least structural. Bookshelves and storage are good, sagging roofs are bad.

My five year old son is a bit too big for the stroller and hasn't quite got the hand of pedaling his bike yet. The walk to the grocery is a little too far for him, but so close driving would be silly and a waste of gas. So we compromise. He rides in the stroller there, and then walks on the way back. Groceries go in

Parking lots are a little different from e-mail. Although privately owned they are considered public/common space, and so courts have generally not held retailers liable for accidents/crime that occurs in their lots so long as they have taken reasonable safety precautions (cart corrals, striped crosswalks, lighting,

@loveyh1: I work at a thrift store and you wouldn't believe the fabulously expensive items people will give away just out of spite after a divorce. Ming vases, $15,000 oriental rugs, very high end kitchen appliances, etc. I've often suspected people negotiate for these "trophy possessions" in the divorce just so

I once spent a summer living in a sweltering third-floor walkup, so poor that we did our laundry in the tub with a rub-board and homemade laundry detergent. It is unbelievably hard work and your clothes dry stiffer than a slab of cardboard.

@kentuckienne: I bet a small drop of acetone on the lens could take care of that. But I'm with you on it not being an ideal solution.

The (local, non-chain) store where I am a manager is frequently the site of a lot of craigslist missed connections. I'm never quite sure whether I should be proud or perhaps disturbed.

Having spent many summers deep in the Adirondacks, quite literally miles from the nearest light bulb, I certainly appreciate this map, but I'm not sure a simple projection is the best way to calculate future light pollution, at least in developed countries. Rural areas are depopulating, even the suburbs have begun

@onestrawplz: I had a college professor whose partner worked at the campus Chik-Fil-A (there's some irony). They of course had lunch together everyday until the professor began to need some extra erm.... support (though otherwise a slim guy). The doctor told him to lay off all the chicken and a few months later he was

It's been more than a few years since I had a Costumer History class, but if I remember, there were two theories for the origin of slashed clothing. One was a peasant "middle finger" to sumptuary laws that forbade commoners from wearing more than one color. The slashes were "accidentally" inflicted to reveal a

Great Idea. I may have to copy this, but would probably try to fit the touchscreen into the drawer.

Who doesn't want grandbabies? My toddler son has certain stuffed animals he calls his "babies," and a few smaller ones he calls his "grandbabies."

@Artemis47: My four year-old will actively watch, not the Weather Channel (tm), but the weather radar channel. Nothing but radar. He also was ecstatic yesterday for the thick as pea soup freezing fog we had.

@sequined: The National Geographic article I read a while back said it is sort of like opening a soda bottle that has been shaken. Once you crack the seal to let the pressure out it's all coming out no matter what. The dissolved gases in the magma start to explosively decompress. But it helps not the think of this in

@VirtuousVixen: How retroactively could you retract consent? Say for instance a couple was having unprotected sex on the condition that the woman was using the pill. If she is lying, or even simply forgets, does that make it rape? /devil'sadvocate

@Kudakerushi: Interesting. I read your first sentence and immediately disagreed, since the art and sculpture of ancient societies are full of depictions of the erect phallus. But I couldn't think of more than a few examples for western cultures in the last few hundred years. I'm curious about when and how that change

Don't do it! You will hate yourself if you twist those lights as described.

@1girl: Having supervised court ordered community service workers for a local non profit I have to sadly disagree. We always sent letters stating what to wear and not wear for muddy, dirty work in all kinds of weather and would still regularly have men and women show up in the most absurd clothing. Some would get sent

@emaline: Actually, it's not a bad idea. Push the whole farce past the breaking point. Of course, for me that was the 2000 election fiasco, but if for others it takes an embarrassingly rigged tv show, hey..