Locomotive Jones

I agree, the police shouldn’t be killing unarmed people. But the headline says that his arms were raised. They were not raised at the moment that he was shot. The headline is a lie.

I am sorry, Conservatives are completely fine with innocent people being killed in cold blood by law enformecent (as long as they are black)?

Sorry that I value critical thinking and don’t just follow the lynch mob to the next riot. (It looks like there’s one happening in Charlotte right now!)

I’m glad we agree, you progressive dick. Now change your ways!

Where the fuck do all these trolls find the energy to run around spewing hatred everywhere?

This is an unacceptable reaction to the shooting and it this behavior will get Trump elected:

You’re white, right?

Our upstairs neighbors are black. Super super nice people. Everytime this...this stuff happens (I can’t even think of a word or phrase to describe it) you can just feel a small barrier go up for a few days. I hate that so much.

No Justice, NO PEACE!

Why do you think this guy’s arms were up? In the helicopter footage, it looked like he was reaching into his car window. In the dashcam footage, you can’t really tell.

How is he a troll? Because you disagree with him? Do you seriously prefer to post in an echo chamber?

His arms didn’t look up to me. He appeared to be reaching into the car window in the helicopter footage. And you can barely seem him at the moment of the shot in the dashcam footage.

What the fuck what the fuck how does this keep happening

Am I the only one shocked but not really shocked that the one time we actually have a police chief decrying the shooting and saying justice will be served it’s when it was a female officer doing the shooting?

I’m worried about their kids growing up in a world where they’re called “persons of color”

When white progressives realize can’t make the black struggle about themselves, they adopt black children so they can.

His hands did NOT appear to be up in the helicopter footage. He appeared to be reaching into his car window. And you can barely see him at the gunshot moment in the dashcam footage.