I really really do not want to sound ungrateful, but we are tax, SS, medicare paying, army servicing American citizens, and this is beyond...Well, facts and numbers speak for themselves...
I really really do not want to sound ungrateful, but we are tax, SS, medicare paying, army servicing American citizens, and this is beyond...Well, facts and numbers speak for themselves...
Wow dude, i am in PR without electricity or water, eating canned tuna for dinner, reading kotaku and Jalopnik to relax a little and low and behold: a first world problems dude that simply cannot just click on any of the other articles not about hurricane Maria. Nooo, 1st world problems dude, opens the article (about…
It has been exactly one week since Maria passed, and our situation is getting worse by the minute. What i have seen makes me lose whatever hope i had. With all the problems we are currently encountering, we had hoped for aid in similar fashion as Harvey in Texas, or Irma in Florida, but if the numbers are true, we…
If LeBron did something close to this, he would be destroyed on social media.
I live on an island on the path of Irma (crosses on about 10 hours) and what we have seen on the neighbor islands is truly unbelievable. If right wingers in Florida are truly THAT skeptical, they are in for a surprise.
Good to know. Thanks!
Good to know. Thanks!
Hi, is there a big difference in picture quality between the S and P models? I might order the S model because it is way to cheap to pass on, but im afraid to eventually learn that the hdr and 4k quality is significantly better on the P series.
Hi, is there a big difference in picture quality between the S and P models? I might order the S model because it is…
Ironically, YouTube autoplayed an Uncharted trailer right after this one. Now i wanna kill myself.
The PC version is buggy, but can look really good at 4k.
Such an underrated gem... I know that the development team does not exist anymore, but is there any chance of a sequel? Did it sell enough to justify it?
No, because with Jordan he would have only averaged 10 to 15 pts per game, and nobody would be dying to trade for him.
Looks good, but the games of the Atari generation are not that interesting, and have not aged well, imo. Sega Genesis games, on the other hand...
Well, as i said, its far from perfect, but is still pretty cool... plus its only 2 bucks!
Some THPS3 levels are available as DLC.
That was the original THPS2.
As a hardcore fan of the original series, i was disappointed. The physics are not quite right. Fortunately, the gameplay is definitely not as bad as THPS5, so it can still be enjoyable.
A recent update allows the game to run on more resolutions. 720, 1080p and maybe even 1440p if im not mistaken.
Does this game and Life Of Black Tiger have Playstation Pro support?
Awesome idea, thanks!