
My biggest take away from this...Cindy Adams is still alive!

Growing up we had a couple of old épées around the house. They had these little rubber tips on them that really didn’t do much. We also didn’t have the suits so it was regular street clothes for protection. My older brother would always beat me and I would be covered in welts. He went off to college and while he was

I hope you are right and can be VINdicated.

The Yellow peanut M&M is J.K. Simmons.

Bespoke is so fetch.

that’s the left rear quarter panel.

A song about a car that wasn’t in the movie.

Katy didn’t like him in Cargo shorts.


Well it is true.

I flipped my old 65 Plymouth Fury pretty similar to that and walked away from it. I wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt either.

But there is Prop Slippage.

how about a 2,000HP inflatable?

From Italy.

I’m erupting with laughter here.

Looks like an early prototype for the first Bozuko car.

For the same reason I follow her; Know thy enemy.

Some products are never meant to be finished and this could be one of them. Look at Moller’s flying car. He’s spent millions of investors money over 40 years and really has nothing to show for it other than some cool looking prototypes. But he has made money for himself. I’ll be surprised if this ever hits the market.

Fuck that “One tough Turd”.