Lyin’ Ted still lyin’
Lyin’ Ted still lyin’
Someone give the old man his meds and put him to bed.
You look as though you stepped right out of a Saved by the Bell episode.
I liked this one better.
The lead singer has a potentially good voice. Give them about 3 years.
My son lives there and one time I asked him what he missed most about Michigan, he said being able to swim in fresh water lakes.
Yeah, St. Smarmy.
Probably hired by the Koch bros. Little Kochettes as it were.
Starred for the puppy.
And we all know vampires can’t get pregnant.
Bad cultural appropriation
He was the John Wayne of dogs in his day.
He was just swimming home.
That was Bieber and the little punk deserved it.
Myself, I just figure every male actor is gay until proved otherwise.