They are both scumbags. Who cares.
They are both scumbags. Who cares.
Usually that face is seen on pornhub right before the recipient gets a facial.
What kind of asshole would vote for any of those three? That’s the real mystery.
Bernie or Fauxahontas..... neither one of them have the mental faculties to be POTUS.
Just die already so we can bury you with your little red book of failure and Che Guevara t-shirt. Time to shuffle off this mortal coil bernie.... you are worthless.
Just go out and buy a POS Honda civic hatchback circa 1998 like any other twat delivering pizzas.
These are the same people who probably get spooked by their own shadows. Absolute morons.
Prisoners have no rights.. end of discussion. You do the crime, you pay the consequences. Fed up with coddling criminals.
The world is binary.... on or off, black or white, right or wrong. Anyone who deals in shades lacks a spine and is a flake.
If it isn’t one thing it’s another with you environmental wackos. Do you people ever stop bitching about anything?
looks like your typical car driven by a hood rat bought from a buy here pay here lot.
Yup... they are KIAs that’s why....
Tesla owners are the vaping, crossfit, vegans of the automotive world....
Tesla owners are the vaping, crossfit, vegans of the automotive world....
You might want to wipe that blinker fluid off your chin lady...
Yup.. definitely a democrat.
Given your penchant for white trash cars, might I suggest a Ford F-350 SuperDuty to pull your trailer around with when you get kicked out of the next trailer park for cooking meth....
STFU and take you and your nissan leaf back into the slow lane.
Looks like a suppository on wheels in white.
Tlaib has a face made for a burkha. What a disgusting cow.