I bet he didn’t even use toilet paper... muslims tend not to.
She has the same mentally ill stare that parkland shooting tool has... both remind me of nothing more than hitler youth out of uniform.
Amazing what a little coaching can accomplish.
Little Greta is out of uniform... I guess her hitler youth lederhosen were at the dry cleaners.
Ohm my god....
Leave the keys in the ignition in a bad neighborhood. Stolen car, trashed, nothing to worry about.
Little too “Kennedy back and to the left like” to be honest....
I personally want to see the holograms of her overdosing.... it would be much more entertaining.
Get yourself a 25yr old Lada Niva.... you filthy socialist.
Don’t believe the spin.... beta o’joke did in fact piss his own pants.
Speaking to the mirror again huh?
the descendants of slaves have had decades upon decades of handouts, social programs and assistance.... you are owed nothing. If you don’t like it... Liberia is calling.
The ad on their site is awful.. smashing a window to cut a seatbelt for a wearable belt? lol
Guess you have never seen these you millennial twat.
meh... no huge loss.. it’s only a toyota.
Buy all the votes you want or can yang... you are still going to lose.
What does any of this matter.... not a single one of them will be able to beat Trump in 2020.
Did anyone expect anything less from a chrysler product.... sloppy workmanship and typical union built garbage type fuckups.
You are always looking for some BS reason to cry “racism” enough already.. quit being a victim and pull your panties up and go on with your life!