
Sounds like a tranny...   

“... the prestige and brand equity of the Acura badge”  You’re kidding right?  It’s a Honda.  And over priced Honda....  

A$AP who?

Hero?  I want to find myself urinating on his grave one day soon.

All hail the black super moon!  Let the culling begin!

Anyone who eats Tofu should be denied EVERYTHING

More proof positive that nearly all musicians are talentless hacks who lack any originality.  They don’t deserve a dime from any of us. 

Wake me up when this goes on sale....

We need “The Purge” to rid ourselves of these whiney ass poor people.

We need “The Purge” to rid ourselves of these whiney ass poor people.

Meanwhile Asian kids go to the front of the line still...   Those yellow bastards need to go back to the mainland.

You sound like an ignorant racist.

A mid engine Camry?  So now with two trunks does that mean double the amount of Camry dented bumpers to content with?

Good news....  now if only all the dems in the house and senate would contract ebola.

How about this fauxahontas....   keep your fucking grubby little fingers out of my wallet.  I refuse to subsidize your lazy, incompetent constituents.  Your proposed “wealth tax” will only accomplish one thing....   wealth leaving this country in numbers beyond belief... 

How about this fauxahontas....   keep your fucking grubby little fingers out of my wallet.  I refuse to subsidize your lazy, incompetent constituents.  Your proposed “wealth tax” will only accomplish one thing....   wealth leaving this country in numbers beyond belief... 

Does Rand Paul have a go fund me page I can send money into? Ilhan “al-shabaab” Omar has no place in this country with her anti-semitic rants.

Nifty... snowflakes now have their own zima’s....    

Nifty... snowflakes now have their own zima’s....    

Less her = more money for the sport.  she’s a disease