
Audi will never bring that model to the US.  

Only a racist would find racism in everything they see. 

Now if I can only afford, those Betsy Ross Nikes on ebay and this.. my collection will almost be complete.... at least until the next unhinged liberal screams racism of some other trivial product...

Typical liberal rants.. when your arguments fail you always resort to throwing around the word “racist”.  How pathetic. 

Between Midnight and Dusk?  How does that exactly time out? lol

Cut the cord inadvertently while mowing the yard and super glue the charging handle to the charging port. Tesla owners are the Vaping, Crossfit, Vegan assholes of the automotive world!

Probably pakis

PBR... the beer of choice when getting a lapdance from a 60yr old stripper at the Clermont Lounge in Atlanta, GA!

I’m white and I named my black dog “N*gga” what you going to do about it?

Filthy people, filthy trains, filthy amtrak employees...  I’ll pass and stick with riding the rails in Europe.

No man in their right mind would want any of that.....  floppy roast beef... 

Mini Clubvan
I’m betting you can find one cheap...

Aren’t you running late for your daily buggering from your Uncle?

I think I’ll pass.  Odds are there is a Darwin award waiting for you in the near future.

Broken record much?

Go get choked out by Epstein you sack of shit.

what are you 5 years old?

aren’t you clever.  think up that one all on your own big boy?  I bet your crack mommy is so proud of you!

Who let you out of the greys?  

Odds are he drives a ‘88 Corolla hatchback.