
No one is above the law huh?  Guess that doesn’t apply to clinton...

No one is above the law....  unless you are a clinton or a clinton supporter.  

No one is above the law....  unless you are a clinton huh?  The double standard is unreal.

Mueller sounds like a decrepit old git.  

5 not 6...  learn to count bub... 

In honor of Jeremy Clarkson who will likely never get to review this car.... I kindly submit the following customized final 5 characters of the VIN... PENIS

Sei anderswo arm in deinem Trabantenbauern!

and you point is?  Go be poor and bitter somewhere else plebe.

Not sure if I missed the part in the bill of rights covering clean water.. can someone point it out to me?

All the creams and ointments in the world can’t cover up that grotesquely fat ass!

Comrade Bernie will NEVER be president. 

Do you live in the single wide or double wide part of the trailer park?

A fool and their money are soon parted.  She’ll dump him within 6 weeks.

All welfare benefits need to be tied to drug testing and citizenship.

He’s more celebutard than scientist.  That and he’s an idiot. 

This will be a box office flop.  

Thinking this pseudo-scientist has way too much free time on his hands.  Maybe he can join knitting circle with that other pseudo-scientist Bill Nye.

The first person to be bumped from any flight should be the slug dressed in flip flops and sweat pants.

Thought that people of color couldn’t be racist....   guess the left has some revisioning to do.... 

Of course obama had a bigger crowd.. most of his base is unemployed or on welfare.  They had all the free time in the world...