
If you want reliability, look into Intel SSD's.

You've got an unlocked CPU, so it might be worth grabbing an aftermarket CPU cooler so you can overclock in the future. Even a cheap one will be better than the stock cooler.

For gaming, getting a dedicated Graphics Card will give your system a huge performance boost, so id' recommend you look into that.

If you can afford it, it might be worth upping to an i5. The FX are great for if you're on a budget, but you'll find that it'll bottleneck you more often than not.

It's pretty much like big, expensive Lego. As long as you have an instruction manual (Or a video), it's incredibly easy. The hardest part is selecting the right parts for your budget and needs.

Im not Linus, but I feel I can answer this.

Most fans have a little black arrow on the housing they're mounted in, which indicates the flow of the air. Look closely. If not, then you can always tell as the side of the fan that has the motor and the supports for the motor on are the exhaust.

Best positions are usually

Hey Linus, I recently upgraded to an SSD after hearing how it was such a HUGE improvement, but im really not feeling that big of a benefit. What can I do to maximize the file speeds? and benefits of owning a SSD?