If he Chinese why he so white? Make him yellow or light green and give him two protruding front teeth.
If he Chinese why he so white? Make him yellow or light green and give him two protruding front teeth.
can he be sued? is there any truth to the rumor that Alex Jones is a horse turd that was granted three wishes and he chose:
From watching CNN, I was under the impression that it was her time of the month and her man done did her wrong.
Just from reading the comments of the reviews in Variety/ Hollywood reporter that review the film itself and leaves politics out of it, this is the calm before the storm.
The world is so fucked up right now, my life a bit less but as sad or silly as it may seem, watching The Good Place leaves me with a little faith we can soldier on.
this film hit me so hard I wish I could unsee, it was like a nightmare unfolding on screen. the only film I can compare the feeling to is ( go ahead and laugh) is the final scene in The Rapture.
What do you call Justin Timberlake in a flannel shirt and beanie?
I bet he has a baby penis.
I heard he was 8 at the time but was wearing platform shoes and a plastic mushtashe.
Couldn’t you just get to the point and call her a fucking whore?
I’m confused about the words trickle down, is it like the last few drops you shake out after you pee but instead of landing in the urinal it lands on poor people?
Goodbye Jezebel, I will miss you. I made the mistake of reading the comments in the TMZ article about Terry Crews. There is no soap strong enough, no bleach powerful enough to get the filth and stench of the average TMZ commenter off of my skin and I am afraid the damage done to my brain is irreversible.
I just read an article on Breitbart that most of these women are playing this sick game where they wear sexy things like clothing and sometimes even shoes and go out in public to entice men doing seductive things like breathing, walking and blinking.
is she wearing gloves so she won’t be tainted by poor people bills?
I just dont see the need for abortion, its common knowledge that that the female body has ways to shut down pregnancy from happening if they dont want pregnancy.
I’m sorry I didn’t do a better job covering you, you were so small I thought I had you covered- C.K.’s balls
I’m sorry Becky got caught covering C.K. covering C.K. covering me.- C.K.’s penis
I’m sorry Becky got caught covering up that I was covering up that I sexually assaulted multiple women.-C.K.
I’m sorry I got caught covering up for C.K. sexually assaulting multiple women. I feel really bad for myself-Becky