
I think I've always been slightly terrified of Aubrey Plaza, on some level.

I'm pretty sure Syd could see the things that Melanie and Ptonomy couldn't because she swapped bodies with David. At least, they made it seem that way with the set up early of David asking her if she had any lingering effects.

Isn't this on BBC? I kind of think they did it to themselves.

Constantine was a show that would have made much more sense on Starz. It felt strange for it to be a network show. I did like the guy they had playing Constantine though.

I guess the gun-loving poker player basically said he lost more than a million bucks, but he didn't really have a big role.

By the time we got to the murderous lesbians I was already bemused by the ridiculous plot point of the blown-up, $100k selfie providing exonerating evidence for a three year old murder/impetus for a new murder. This whole episode could be Exhibit A of how this show wraps legitimately interesting characterizations of…

It seemed very Looney Toons to me, in a good way. Kind of like Archer falling down the hill last week.

I like 'Zero Effect' but it is a rather strange film.

I'd have gone with hot president.

Is the joke that Homestar Runner is still a thing?

Didn't they establish that he didn't know Italian in the Pope episode? Or was that just Latin and Romanche?

As someone who thoroughly enjoyed the Archer Vice season, I think this change of scenery is off the a promising start. I do agree that there was a bit of a missed opportunity to inject some noir vibes into the proceeding, but maybe we'll get that later.

Honestly, I think part of it is that she was one of the few female characters introduced into what is otherwise a sausage fest of a dramatis personæ.

Yeah, if I have any complaint for this season so far, it's that all of the episodes have tried covering every character's plot lines. It really makes it hard to get enough screen time for any of them. I can see why there is no Order of the Triad this season; there is just no room to squeeze them in.

Have we seen Pete White as the Pink Pilgrim before? Because that was great.

Ah, I gotcha.

Do people really not like Charlie Work? I thought that was one of the best of the season. But I guess, there you go.

No way, that's bad on HELPeR. I think the only time we've seen Rusty smoke anything was possibly in the glorious montage at the beginning of season 2, while it seems like he drinks some terrible (possibly Hank-created) cocktail every couple episodes. HELPeR should have known better.

I thought it was in Colorado. Not sure why exactly. . .

Was J-Bot a reference to the Will Smith 'I, Robot' film? It looked kind of like those robots.