
true, but San Andreas had SO much to do. and I'll never forget the detail of red dead's world

same here

still 2 USB ports and only in the front. sigh. wonder what they needed to redesign it for. haven't had heat problems with this model and a harddrive upgrade is easy enough

CGI trailers have their place, and we know after very clearly when we've been lied to and when we haven't. Gameplay moment to moment is generally only exciting when you understand the game's systems, unless it's Call of Duty or something trying to SHOW you an experience more than BE an experience anyways.

Patrice Desilets, Fumito Ueda, Jenova Chen, Jeremiah Slaczka, Shinji Mikami. I hope to see a lot more from all of these

I liked the Dreamcast

I love it

is this like how the wii remote didn't kill the gamecube controller?

and here I was thinking that was the problem kinect SOLVED

I just wish they would have left the camera resolution higher so you could use your fingers instead of hovering over icons to navigate

so they fit a modern jeep into a 70s/80s era game? or the game has some modern day sections in it? hmmmm

yes please

forget Nukem!

THANK YOU somebody for calling EA on this

I'm really hoping that a combination of 3-D gaming as a design, "smart" cameras like God of War 3's will go a long way towards getting the game out of our way, and letting us play

Games... the only medium where any of this is still argued...

my DS, or my DSi, still haven't changed anything about my thinking of games with their cameras. Why is this any different?

@SkaHimself: Interesting. I still think it could be entertaining, and even more interesting to have a stance on things. It's not like most of our war films area accurate, and maybe that shows some possibility too, playing a fictional character in a historical setting

While I fully understand the problem, I WISH my games took more of a stance on things. So what if it's not mine. I feel the problem is with the general video game audience (and if you read this article that isn't you) and the fact that games challenging you in any way but score is uncomfortable. Romeo and Juliet was

how does listing 3 out of the 4 console, 3-d GTAs help us know the favorites? Did any of us think it would be Vice City Stories or something? Just doesn't seem like useful information