
I feel required to point out that we are commenting on an article about Italy, not the US. This is a MUCH broader discussion than just America, despite the general tendency to think that everything is about America.

I know we laugh about “economic anxiety”, but the fact is that as inequality continues to skyrocket, more people feel insecure and fearful. And the easy target always has been, and always will be, anyone who looks or behaves differently.

The problem is that these policies, though awful, are also awfully popular. Maybe not in our liberal bubbles but with the rest of the ignorant masses and the right wing assholes for sure. Foreigners and migrants are a very convenient scapegoat for politicians, even more so in the current climate where you’re seeing a

I have absolutely no problem with his public shaming, because fuck this guy.

However, shame is honestly one of the worst motivators i can think of. Not necessarily because it doesn’t change people’s behavior, but rather because of the way it changes people’s behavior. Just about no one has ever been shamed into

Was the title of the article chosen specifically to generate clicks from people coming to the comments to tell you how fucking ridiculous is.

Tell ya what, when he carves one from marble I’ll compare it to Michelangelo’s David.

I’m deeply sorry for your loss, Ms. Elderkin.

I loved this approach to tackling grief. In their reality David and Amy’s relationship was somewhere in between complicated and rocky. As are many relationships in our lives. Looking at not only the events of their lives but of the “what ifs” of a superpowered brother/sister relationship shows all that it could have

You guys can like it, we don’t care. It’s RJ funneling coal into the fire still. “The things people hated the most are what I’m most proud of.” You’re proud of gaping plot holes, killing your big bad unceremoniously, making Hux a punching bag, Leia Poppins, killing Ackbar with a line of dialogue, The Misadventures of

The Force Awakens box office: $2 billion

Or perhaps they can ALSO express their opinions, even negative ones without you getting your _____ into a bunch?

The same can be levelled at the people who like it feeling REALLY threatened by those who don’t...I’m unsure why....but pretending like either side is covered in glory is a mistake.

LOL. I like that.
Thats still not worst, though, than what Last Jedi Lovers do:
“You hate TLJ??? You must be stupid, sexist, and racist”

He may understand it, but he doesn’t know how to execute it. The middle movie of a trilogy is not the time to kick out the foundations and set of in a bold new direction.

Really?! The man who made the most polarizing Star Wars film ever, that angered many old fans (myself included) understands what Star Wars needs to do to survive?