
I think you’re right!

You mean Weapon of Choice, Fatboy Slim? :D

Hands down my favorite part of any RPG campaign, computer or table-top, is at the very beginning when you get to trade 1d4 blows with iron weapons against goblins, kobolds, and other assorted creatures. #Goblins4Life!

dekotora doe

I meant “it can’t be done” from a gun-control opponent’s POV in terms of implementation of policy—that no country exists where gun ownership has been curtailed, which simply isn’t true. I recognize (having lived in the US for 3 decades) that it’s ap olitical impossibility in the US.

Guns are not banned in Japan, merely extremely strictly controlled. There are plenty of people who make a living hunting for food in Japan, or hunt recreationally. My grandfather had a gun license and would go duck hunting.

As a Japanese immigrant to the US, I’m baffled by American opposition to gun control. Or even the very idea that there is a significant number of people that could possibly think that an armed society with easy access to guns could be safer than an unarmed one.

Coming from a country (Japan) where the good guys (the police) have .22s which they almost never use, the bad guys have knives or clubs at most, where the murder rate is 1/10th that of the US, where mass murders are incredibly rare and mass shooting literally never happen, where a single police shooting is noteworthy

Which is another fine argument for better gun control. Another aspect of America that seems pretty crazy from Japanese eyes. Speaking as a Japanese person.

The prevalence of this attitude is what makes the American police terrifying. The US is virtually unique among developed countries in it’s willingness to allow the police to gun down their own citizens. 

As someone who lived in Rome for a few months, this is one of the most Roman stories I’ve heard in a while and it’s cracking me up.

“Spelacchio” is a spectacular word, and further proof that everything sounds amazing in Italian. If someone told you you looked spelacchio, you’d blush and be all, “omg thank you.”

So, I am off-the-boat Italian, and we used to go to the Trentino to get trees to sell at Christmas for a fundraiser for our orchestra. I’ve seen some manky trees in my time, but wow, that is really something else.

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

Slower travel speeds without upgrade too.

Calling it right now. Within 20 years you’ll have to watch ads before setting off unless you buy an upgrade.