
And that’s why I stopped reading superhero comics...

So, basically Old Lady Tank Girl.

Well, DS9 did have a couple eps set in the early 21st century, a couple decades after it went off the air. It did foresee the “Border Wall”, tribal tattoos gone wild (Dax explaining her dots), and the ensuing regret one guy had to get them lasered off. Not to mention Sisko taking over for the original martyred

I finally saw it myself for the first time this weekend and really, really disliked it. It felt like a mediocre movie and a terrible continuation of Star Wars to me. That being said, I’m glad you liked it and that it left you hopeful for the next installment.

Wish I could agree with you.

It’s obvious what it is...

I assume we need to supply our own posters?

The fact that the pentagon had a UFO identifying program is neat, but realistically, 22 million in Pentagon Dollars gets you 2 lackeys in a basement office, plus maybe a car and a coffee machine.

I think you’re right!

You mean Weapon of Choice, Fatboy Slim? :D

Alternative take: Waterworld was a rip-off of by pure coincidence somewhat similar to the Milligan/McCarthy movie pitch - turned comic Freakwave, which was basically Mad Max 2 in a drowned world (only weirder). It had The Drifter instead of The Mariner (though he does get referred to that way at least once in the

He’s all of the Mariner’s most unlikable aspects amplified—he’s pure toxic masculinity, long before the term existed. Between the hero and the villain, the entire movie is permeated with their issues, making the story feel sort of unhealthy.