
I am! Yay! Video games!

the studio will be mine sorry no take backs

sick wolf bro

quality, debatable, but resources? Those are required, and a hefty amount when doing voice work on a giant open world game. To expect a 150k kickstarted game to surpass skyrim seems A BIT far fetched

better voice acting in an indie with a budget that's a tiny fraction of skyrim, sure, you're definitely not going to be disappointed

congrats on figuring out how to Internet before you died of old age, gramps

he's pretty foolish. It's kinda his thing.

your gf sounds pretty chill

Console gaming master race reporting for duty

it sucks and it should be better. Just because you're old as fuck doesn't mean things shouldn't get better

Since this game is mobile and I'm a games journalist I'm bound to give this one an 11/10. God, I love games where I can play on the train. Where am I going? Who knows! Video games!

weird how people think playing dozens of different video games offering a variety of narratives, challenges, experiences is some how the fucking same as nonplaying one mmo for 4,000 hours. It's not the same thing and this guy should get help IMO

seriously. I thought my life was uneventful...

I thnk the swapper got delayed till august 4th

holy shit this comment section is garbage

what the..

I love when people use comedians material as some type of defense of why they're terrible or have them do the thinking for them and use their material as words of wisdom. Especially old material. I just imagine your mind is just dead air until you're watching a routine one day and you hear this and you start like


white people are so fucking insecure

typity type type just typing things type type type