yo I don't want no damn posters
yo I don't want no damn posters
it's almost too easy but it's a delight
it's my first time going platinum. Are the platinum rewards hard to claim?
wait so what happens at the end of the month do my points disappear?
you're just randomly saying things
such a creep
yup. Except I was digging it sorta until I played the destiny alpha and now I want nothing to do with hardline.
I think the point is is that he can't read hence his interest in the colorful pictures.
yeah Nintendo never really strives for ambition so whatever you created in your mind wouldn't come to fruition, so it's good we have people who grew up playing Nintendo games now developing them
... That's a straight shooter right there...
"Kind of hope you can make new stuff with said resources beyond ships/gear/weapons."
my only worry is whatever magic they're doing to create this thing might lead to the earths destruction
And I must thank schreier for that. It's obvious he is interested in good things and not dynasty warriors
Akbar gets it IMO
Akbar gets it IMO
I'm kind of baller status so I'll wait for the playstation tv IMO even better if they release one with sequins
I'm kind of baller status so I'll wait for the playstation tv IMO even better if they release one with sequins
seriously listen to this guy. You'll make plenty of money, enough that you'll be able to buy a ps4 and play destiny
for some reason people only commit to only one console
"Xbox Japan is so incompetent that I'm tearing up," so Internet commenters are terrible around the globe (except for like a select few million)
it's not right thanks to the pc police we will never have a game for us ever again if they get their way, thank obamku