
It’s Chicago’s name for the people on its city council. The city’s split into 50 wards (districts), and each gets a an alderman.

Technically, the bare minimum is always absolutely nothing, my friend.

Trumpy bear has been around for several years. Don’t you watch cable tv at 3am? ;)

UW Milwaukee as a bar in the basement of its union. Full rail of Beer on tap and even drink specials! 

Also, the whole team stood up for him and I think the fans were thinking - we’re all the Brew Crew so we all support our own.

I think there’s a non-zero chance it was just for entering the park. The article said it was his first post ASG appearance and we don’t see how he was introduced.

I have no idea what all of those fans were thinking when they applauded Hader, and neither does this blogger. Is it possible they were applauding racisism? Possibly but I kind of doubt that. Is it possible in applauding Hader they were expressing a show of forgiveness and support, just like his teammates did over the

That is the opposite of what is going on in these videos. They reference the cameras several times, particularly the initial officer.

Not necessarily. We know the snap’s gonna get undone, because characters got dusted who have sequels in the pipeline.

The guy is 93 years old and has had multiple strokes. Not an unusual look for someone in his condition.

Hell yeah

Way better than Chase Anderson’s slide yesterday

Just so we’re clear, if what you say is true and they are seeking Chapter 11 protection, that is for a reorganization of the company (i.e. writing down debts, wiping out the equity, closing stores). It doesn’t mean that Claire’s is entirely going away. They will likely eliminate all the stores in underperforming

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

...because, as he was told, his “character wasn’t developed.”

Or, you could give it to someone who really needs a car.

I suppose the real question is - why does this crossing have arms to prevent vehicles from getting *off* the tracks?

You’ve already had your ass handed to you earlier for this out of context dogshit. Why would you come back for seconds?