It looks heavy. Prohibitively heavy. It would take a massive rocket just to launch one of these by itself, even just to earth orbit.
It looks heavy. Prohibitively heavy. It would take a massive rocket just to launch one of these by itself, even just to earth orbit.
As I mentioned in another comment, I’m from the Milwaukee area. This definitely isn’t true. Perhaps this might be true of rural Wisconsin, but definitely not the Milwaukee County area.
I’m from the Milwaukee area. One thing to keep in mind is that the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office is rather redundant and somewhat impotent. The various municipality police departments do the vast majority of law enforcement and investigation in the area.
I love all the fake ass shit he pins to his Dress uniform. Not one is a ribbon or a medal. They are pretty much a commerative pin collection.
He probably discovered that 200k is the age where everything goes wrong on an Audi of that vintage. And by “goes wrong,” I mean “goes wrong for the second time at least.”
This comment is beyond stupid. How would I take my dog hiking or other activities that enrich his life? This is fine if you have a small shitty dog that is useless and basically just a stuffed teddy bear, but never taking your large working class dog anywhere is pretty much torture for him. I’m guessing you’ve never…
OK, so this one......
This is just the legal doctrine of adverse possession. It exists in the US as well.
Want a long shot to consider?
Better Off Ted’s my netflix comfort food along with Futurama and Archer, so that’s what I’m most upset that is leaving
Yeah, I’ve rewatched most of those episodes at least two or three times since it’s been on Netfilx. It shouldn’t have been cancelled.
If you have not seen Better Off Ted, binge it now. Totally hilarious with excellent cast.
Nowhere near as good as infomercial people failing at life.
Isn’t the guy in the car that filmed all this at fault, too? He left his lane and went onto the shoulder. Shoulders aren’t there for people to move onto to be nice to people on motorcycles. This created a space that the lane changer wouldn’t have expected to appear, through which the motorcyclist passed through at…
Both are morons, the car driver probably more. Why would you lane split while on that kind of bike? That shit takes up half a lane. In order for you to lane split on that thing, the other car has to move over into the other lane (which camera guy did, which is also unsafe even though not in this situation). And to…
Not necessarily. There are two accountants, one on each side of the stage, and they each have a briefcase filled with the envelopes from all categories. Each one hands the presenters coming from their side the envelope for their category and the other has an identical envelope in their case for verification in the…
This car is like the New Jersey of Porsches. It tries to be flashy in all the wrong places, and ultimately you just want to get out of it as soon as possible before realizing you’ve made a terrible mistake.