Super drunk is a classification under Mi law. BAC 0.17% or higher may be charged as Super Drunk.
Super drunk is a classification under Mi law. BAC 0.17% or higher may be charged as Super Drunk.
Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...
I keep thinking back to my high school English teacher. If I had turned that in as a sentence in an essay, he would have handed it back to me and said “You like to show off? How about you diagram this sentence for the class.”
Let’s be honest here - while there are likely a lot of legal rules in play for what they can do/say in their show, they are likely just having fun with the idea and expanding it as much as they can for extra humor. Recall the one Ameican special they did for Top Gear where they were “required to not have fun” as means…
To be fair, Yahoo had nothing to do with that article. It came up because its author (gurufocus not yahoo) spammed the ticker symbol aapl. Ticker symbol spam is a well known way for third rate content providers to get seen. And you haven’t seen the kind of errors they make if you think this one is bad.
2016 and some people is still not using security password on their phones? really?
For as enlightened as the guy in the video is about the subject, it is disappointing that he (at 55 secs in) highlights what he thinks is a camera, when instead it is an infrared sensor for the MIRT system (used for fire depts/police to turn the light green).
That’s because Lloyd Pettit got SCREWED by Bettman and the NHL Board of Governors, insisting on a late “franchise infringement fee” because Milwaukee is within 100 miles of another NHL franchise (Blackhawks). The Mouse wrote the NHL a check and that’s how the Ducks came to be over a would-be MKE team. Total BS.
Milwaukee built the Bradley Center to attract an NHL team in 1988, but one never came.
Chicago lost largely because of a pissing match between the IOC and USOC over revenue sharing. Or even if we assume Rio was going to win anyway (bribes, new host) Chicago coming in fourth of four was a message sent.
Atlanta did see some long term benefits. For one, the public infrastructure received a boost and the city didn’t have to pay a dime for the Olympics. It was all privately funded and they made a profit. The cities profile was also raised quite a bit. All the local universities and colleges got new facilities that they…
I don't know anything about archery, but it looks like if Katniss fires that arrow the string is going to drag right across the side of her nose. Is that really how one draws a bow? Right up to, and awkwardly hooked around, their nose?
She’s going to hurt herself if she shoots that arrow.
I had a 2007 GT, and selling it was a major PITA. People want automatics or they want an MS3. And they don’t really care to pay for all of the cool things the GT gets you. Long story short, KBB dramatically overestimated what I could ask for the car, and selling it was a long and painfully drawn out process where I…
I guess with Mythbusters going off the air, their stuff is fair game?
Parents pay for Randy's, older sisters could pay for Brass Rail, I alas had a Pumper/Mitchels dimers budget. The Pub if I was lucky.
I’ve been to Whitewater, and that brewhouse is the former Randy’s on the east side of town, and is basically “the place your parents take you out to dinner when they visit from Oconomowoc”.
There were two reasons the US series improved when they ditched the studio. The first was that all three US hosts weren’t really great on camera... but more than that, they were HORRIBLE interviewers. The only one that was barely tolerable at interviewing was Rutledge, and even he wasn’t great.
I agree. Carrabba’s was ranked way too low, and Buca di Beppo was bizarrely high. Buca has insane amounts of barely adequate pasta, while Carrabba’s stuff actually is quite good. (I really dig their Tag Pic Pac.)