
You folks must be going to some pretty awful Carrabba’s locations. I’m quite surprised that they somehow rank lower than Red Lobster.

“This Rally Onboard Video Compilation Is Very Gnarly Everything Goes Wrong”

The card is horribly designed. At a first glance, I’m pretty sure he saw “1st ... Columbia” and skimmed over the “runner-up” part.

Very possible that it was how he was holding the card. The lower right hand corner where it says Philippines is exactly where ones thumb would be placed to read the text on the top left of the card unobstructed This was the producers fault. And that text is SMALL for a TV production card. Keep in mind, the lighting

It’s like it was actively designed to make it as likely as possible he’d misread it.

That’s an unnecessarily complicated card... just say “Winner Phillipines”

Not to excuse him at all, but they really should have anticipated this as a possibility and had the winner’s name printed front and center in large type so that it was completely unambiguous.

Here’s a close shot of the card that Harvey misread:

Assuming the ball traveled in a parabola and took 5 seconds to traverse the distance it went (a number I pulled from the video, which may not be correct), I calculate that the arc length of the path it took was about 150 meters, or about 164 yards. Someone should check my work.

The 1999 Dodge Stratus, the battery is located in the wheel well. You have to remove the front tire to replace the battery, “yay fun” right? The Stratus also has a steel battery tray and a steel battery hold down strap. Guess where the bolt is located for the battery hold down? Directly under the battery!

“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”

That’s why I watch Wheeler Dealers. Buy a car, fix a car, sell a car. I’ve actually learned quite a bit watching Mike and Edd.

No, it wasn’t FKL-1982, it was H982FKL, and as has been proven endlessly that car had that plate for almost two decades. Even Top Gear isn’t that in depth with their bits.

KY does this right - you keep the title but it’s stamped with a lien. All you need is a letter from the bank to release it. Cuts the time down on waiting on the actual title and if the bank is local they’ll release it there on the spot. That sucks though!

Damon, you say that this is the third attempt. Can you tell me when the others were made? I only know of two that have tried to land on the barge, this one being the second. The first was CRS-5 on Jan. 10. There have been four other “soft ocean landings” (9/29/2013, 4/18/2014, 07/14/2014 and 2/11/2015) to test the

My one complaint is that the wrapper is clearly too small for the burger.

One feature that I've found many weather radios leave off, including many Midland models, is the ability to automatically turn off at the end of the alert message. It is rather annoying to come back home and hear the weather radio chattering away, because at some point it turned on to play an alert, and never turned