
I could be wrong, but I don’t believe there’s anything magic about Omicron that has changed how cloth masks work or don’t work. Cloth masks were never intended to protect the wearer; they were intended to prevent someone who might be infectious but pre-symptomatic from infecting others, by reducing the amount and

I’m on the NextDoor for my community, as it’s sometimes good for a laugh. Someone in my area started complaining about property taxes going up, which they of course blamed on the governor of Wisconsin, who is a Democrat.

Isn’t “collision” the term more generally accepted and used by the auto insurance industry?

I had almost no issues with a stick shift on level ground. I got REALLY good at that.

Yeah, let’s take text, turn it significantly less legible by anti-aliasing it, turn it into an image, and then put it into one of the more disliked presentation formats on the internet, a slide show.

That is a little surprising. The one time I was in a CarMax, helping my sister buy a car, they were seriously chill, absolutely zero pressure. IIRC, the salesperson we worked with suggested it didn’t really matter if we bought a car from him or not, he gets paid the same either way. She ended up paying a little

You’re kidding, right?

There’s something appealing about a really honest car, a car that does what it needs to do and couldn’t give a pair of matching turds what anyone thinks about it.

I’ll admit, I’m old by internet terms, but I too have no clue what “simp” means. I tried to look it up online, and found at least 5 or 6 entirely different and non-overlapping definitions. To me, this tells me that even the people using the word may not even know what it means.

The employees are likely just doing what they’ve been told, and likely would get fired if they didn’t. Not their fault. The dealer, however, deserves to be named and shamed.

Mitsubishi Expo / Plymouth Colt Vista / Eagle Summit Wagon. You have to understand, I was a kid who always rode in the backseat of a 80's Plymouth Voyager... so the idea of a “kid size” minivan, still with a sliding door, was the coolest idea ever.

I can’t believe the cheapest new car in America is nearly $15,000.

According to the story, they only notified the Highway Patrol later on, and then said it was “somewhere on the 580.”

That basement reminds me of The Streets of Old Milwaukee, an exhibit from the Milwaukee Public Museum:

Man, I wish this had a translation available! It looks like they did a really good job of copying the Top Gear format!

There’s a Mitsubishi dealer near me, but it’s half Mitsubishi, half “JD Byrider” used car franchise, so, basically what you described.

I could be wrong, but from what I’ve heard, Crew Dragons will not be reused as cargo. They’ll have a cargo Dragon that is based on the Crew Dragon design, but I don’t think they’ll repurpose Crew Dragons as cargo.

The difference between the two: Dodge isn’t continuing production of the Dart. Dodge has been stuck with *that much* inventory of really old “new” cars.

I just put new Blizzak WS80 tires on my piddly little Civic coupe, and I’m instantly a convert to winter tires. They are a drastic difference from the all-season tires I had on the car. They offer so much better traction and stopping ability that I’ve found myself becoming slightly over-confident, and I have to tell

Bummer... although Slidell PD is one of the agencies that Live PD follows, they are currently “on break.Still, I bet you that this will be featured on their “Wanted” segment this weekend.