I recently test drove what was supposed to be a CPO Mazda, and came away with the same impression, that they must not give a darn if they actually make a sale. The salesperson’s idea of small talk during the test drive was to talk about a murder of a woman and her child by the woman’s pimp (a story that was making…
I’m from Milwaukee, and that’s the term they use in most cities around here to refer to members of the Common Council. Until now, I wasn’t aware that “alderman” may not be a commonly used terminology.
I’m surprised. I thought that most considered Chrysler’s UConnect system to be one of the best infotainment systems on the market (one of FCA’s few bright spots), and would have expected it to show up at least once on the list.
For some reason, the samples they included in that video actually remind me more of Cave Johnson from Portal 2.
He also has vascular parkinsonism caused by the strokes. Vascular parkinsonism is a condition whose symptoms mimic Parkinson’s Disease.
Interesting coincidence that Wheeler Dealers’ episode tonight was a Grand Wagoneer.
For some reason, back then, I kind of wanted one of these. The idea of a “micro-minivan” really appealed to me. The idea of a car that small with a sliding door was just oddly intriguing.
Watching this now. It reminds me of a low budget, less funny version of the “Onion News Network” show that used to be on IFC.
“Hopefully the owner isn’t too upset about the extra scratches on the roof from the shoving.” I assume that any car that overturns in an accident is almost certain to be totaled anyway, so a few additional scratches probably won’t make a bit of difference.
Wite-Out (yes, “wite”) is the leading brand of correction fluid in the US. I don’t think Tipp-Ex even markets their products in the US.
Science Channel (Discovery Channel’s sister channel) acquired the rights to air Mythbusters 1.0 from Discovery Channel when the show ceased production.
“With conventional physical vent controls, you never needed to take your eyes off the road; that interface was entirely tactile. You could actually feel the flow of air, and you used your hand to direct vanes to redirect the air. Feedback was instantaneous and immediately understandable.” This doesn’t just apply to…
The Caddy was stolen as well, or so I understand from news reports.
I had my TI-85 back in high school in the mid 90's... when ZShell was developed and games started getting released for it, it was amazing. I loaned it out to someone somewhere along the way, and never got it back... I miss that thing.
As I mentioned in another comment, I’m from the Milwaukee area. This definitely isn’t true. Perhaps this might be true of rural Wisconsin, but definitely not the Milwaukee County area.
I’m from the Milwaukee area. One thing to keep in mind is that the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office is rather redundant and somewhat impotent. The various municipality police departments do the vast majority of law enforcement and investigation in the area.
Thank you! I’ve always interpreted that not as a flap, but as a slip joint to provide expansion room in that area. At least, that’s the way it seems on boxer briefs or briefs. I’ll grant that boxers are different - the flap actually seems like it would be functional on those.
Thank you! I’ve always interpreted that not as a flap, but as a slip joint to provide expansion room in that area.…
They actually have a Toyota new car dealership at two locations. (Racine, WI; Laurel, MD). This is why their website has a “new/used” toggle when you search.