
Eureka is an Electrolux brand.

I have an ‘08 Civic, and you nailed exactly why I *love* the dash. The dash was, in fact, the single thing that sold me on the Civic at the time. The two level dash brings the speedo right at eye level, meaning less time my eyes are off the road.

Seriously, where the heck is Gawker (Gizmodo, Jalopnik, etc.) getting that there have been three landing attempts? There have been TWO landing attempts. The first was on Falcon 9 Flight 14, on January 10, carrying the CRS-5 payload. The second was this one, Falcon 9 Flight 17, carrying CRS-6.

Three times? They have only had *two* landing attempts. The third scheduled landing attempt was scrubbed due to poor conditions at sea; they used the opportunity to do a soft splashdown in the ocean.

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The video is an official SpaceX video. However, for some reason, the video was posted and made public, but then shortly thereafter marked as private, causing others to re-post it. Since then, the video was made public again on the official SpaceX account on YouTube.

Could be worse. Late last year, a driver managed to get his semi stuck on a historic foot bridge in Milwaukee. To get there, he had to drive over two other pedestrian bridges and past several railings. He blamed GPS.

Good Hope Road at US 45?

.... but other than that, you'll be fine, right?

It's worth clarifying/reinforcing that this only applies to Lenovo's consumer lines. This does not appear to affect the IdeaPad or the Think product lines.

Huh. I once wondered why tower climbers don't wear parachutes as protection in case they were to fall off. I thought I heard the reason they don't is that the parachute wouldn't be able to open in time to slow the fall. I guess that's wrong (although I suppose it still depends on how tall the tower is).

There's also the Wisconsin Gas Building, formerly the Milwaukee Gas Light Building. The "flame" on the top of the building went active in 1956. The lights were replaced with LEDs in 2013.

Yeah, he's referring to the light fixtures on the roof. They are LED spotlight fixtures attached to a motorized head whose movement can be programmed, then played back as a light cue by a DMX controller. You'll see light fixtures like these frequently used for major concerts, large Broadway style shows, and on TV on

The most expensive part of this show are the 8 LED moving head spots on the roof. Those alone could be somewhere north of $7000 (possibly *well* above that, depending on how high end the fixtures are.)

This house was just on "The Great Christmas Light Fight" on ABC on Monday night. Instead of the Star Wars theme, they used "Let it Go" from Frozen as the music, then segued to open the garage to present a live choir singing and playing instruments.

I'd say the Veronica Mars movie for me surpassed my expectations. I thought the movie might be a lackluster direct-to-home-video production, in no way recapturing the appeal of the TV show, but it ended up being a very good motion picture. Plus, the stars really appeared to be genuinely open and engaged with the fans

Barter means "exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money." That doesn't sound like what's going on here, unless Amazon lets me put "cow" in the blank for how much I'm willing to spend for a piece of art. "Dicker" or "Bargain" would be a more appropriate term.

They completely missed the Calatrava designed Chicago Spire, which was stopped after the foundation work was completed. It would have supposedly been the second tallest in the world.

Sorry for the late response. You can request to be added to the priority list at www.tivo.com/priority/, or you can wait and you should have it by the end of the month.

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The "first contact" scene, where Dr. Arroway (Jodie Foster's character) receives the message, is among my favorite scenes in movie history. I love the fact that it becomes a continuous shot once she arrives back at the facility.