
They just added Prime streaming to TiVo, making that suggestion somewhat unlikely.

Milwaukee had a rotating restaurant, the Polaris, atop the Hyatt Regency hotel. Unfortunately, it is closed now in favor of a ground-level signature restaurant. At the time the restaurant closed, they said it would be available for private parties; I'm not sure if that is still the case. If it is, I'm not sure if it

From everything I've read, Apple fully intended to use GT's sapphire, but the yields (quantity and quality) were way below what Apple needed for their products. As a result, they had to fall back to the old hardened glass for the iPhone. Subsequently, Apple withheld their scheduled payment to GT for failure to

Easy, then: make it a law that all new or replacement road signs must display both imperial and metric measurements, until such time the country reaches a point deemed to be "substantial completion," after which the imperial measurements could be removed (or left off subsequent new/replacement signs).

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Avi Kaplan of Pentatonix is also adept at overtone singing:

One feature that I've found many weather radios leave off, including many Midland models, is the ability to automatically turn off at the end of the alert message. It is rather annoying to come back home and hear the weather radio chattering away, because at some point it turned on to play an alert, and never turned

Either you didn't watch that episode, or you have a bad memory.

Umm... he posted the article here?

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The video linked in the original post is a re-posted, edited-down version. This appears to be the original dash cam video, which includes the initial explosion:

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The video linked in the original post is a re-posted, edited-down version. This appears to be the original dash cam video, which includes the initial explosion:

The one titled "Buffy and Angel square off..." should be "Faith and Angel square off..." The footage starts with the Faith/Angel fight, then progresses to the Faith/Buffy fight. (The episode is correct, though.)

Chicago could have likely won the 2016 bid with their plan that focused on heavy facility reuse. They were only bounced out in the first round of voting as a punitive measure (against the USOC, I believe... I think the issue had something to do with revenue from the television rights.)

I don't remember anything about a 100,000 seat arena in the bid, and I don't see a mention of it in the Wikipedia article. They did propose an 80,000 seat stadium, the majority of which would have been removed and sold to another city (likely to be used as a soccer venue somewhere overseas) at the end of the games.

The other option is to only award bids to cities that have a high percentage of Olympic-ready facilities and infrastructure in place. That would mean either awarding to cities that have already hosted, or cities like Chicago that can put together a plan that makes extensive use of facilities they already have.

Since this was a self-reported "recall," it just took this long for the paperwork to make its way through the CPSC.

This is simply the paperwork being filed with the CPSC. The "recall" simply involves pushing out the update that disables Nest Wave, and offering refunds to consumers should they so choose to return the unit, both of which they did weeks ago. Nothing has changed here at all.

Update: A Google spokesman provided a statement regarding the SEC filing:

It's better, but some would argue that it's still not OK. At least with CarPlay, you're working with a larger screen and a UI that uses larger, clearer buttons that minimize the distraction factor.