+1 Some Kind of Monster
+1 Some Kind of Monster
agreed... and the worst is worrying that you’re not going to be able to fall asleep keeping you from falling asleep. the worst cycle
I don’t even have the excuse of having kids... hell, even Ambien doesn’t seem to work like it used to. :shakes fists:
The older I get, the less my body wants me to sleep, when all I want to do is sleep. it sucks
wait - Gary Carter only played 4.5 seasons with the Mets? I could’ve sworn he was there for like, 18 seasons. Memories are weird
sorry but had to un-”like” your post so it could stay a beautiful 187
Is Brett Hull still on the team? I think I had his hockey card
exactly... Yeah, maybe the non-call wasn’t great, but what about the other 59 minutes in the game? Go score a fucking goal
+1 for passion
same here, but they probably figure a lot of people wouldnt bother watching if it was subtitled
ahh must have missed it... Did like the era-authentic state artwork in the background though
same.. but what really bothers me is when, in say, Schindler’s List, everybody is speaking with accents, and then all of a sudden, we get some Germans speaking German. My thought process is, either have them all speak with accents, or have it all in foreign langues and subtitle it.. Mixing the two just seems odd
it confused me for the first 15 minutes.. “Are these guys Brits working in Russia?” etc... been then I just realized it was my own America-centric hang up. As soon as I got over it, I was all in. LOVED the show
I think there should be stories that take place a) during the time jumps that happen on the show (new moustaches!) and b) right after the finale. I’d really love to see Don’s Coke pitch, and him and Roger (and Peggy and Stan) working at McCann
yes, actually :)
that sounds like a fun job... you hiring?
Please write some SCDP fan-fiction. I’d read it :)
is Roger Sterling in this? Please? I miss Roger
I loved the ending, personally.
nice try..... another ploy from Drew to get that PEABODY award...