
It actually isn’t easier to build stable software on iOS compared to Android, especially when you are only designing for a single hardware design either way.

Can you really call a company who does all of its manufacturing and money holding outside of the US... a US company?

calling an android phone about as accurate as calling it a meat sandwich. what phone were they using?

Moreover, freezing is often caused by crappy software design as well. Who says that the software the military designs for the iPhone will not result in ‘freezing’. Unless the issue is completely isolated to hardware specs, it is hard to say.

Or the app that is crashing/freezing up. I assume they are using custom designed apps. One wonders if they just hired inept programmers (and it is the Gov, so I wouldn’t doubt it)

All the freezing and performance claims are false. The Army is simply trying to be all cool and shit. All kidding aside, this sounds like an expansive move.

“The Android phone” So there’s only one? Wait, is Android a phone brand now? I’m confused.

I’m curious as to what model of phone they were using that runs Android. In my experience with smart phones freezing is more likely caused by using a crappy phone rather than the OS itself.

“Youtube wasn’t a fully developed app”

Wait, just a BOGO? That’s what this is about? AT&T had/has a BOGO for the Galaxy S7 and the iPhone 6S, I guess they are being given away, too. The entire smartphone market must be in shambles.

As someone who really likes windows phone but had to go back to Android for a select few apps I need for daily activities that weren’t on the Windows phone platform at all I can tell you you are very wrong.

What about the experience lacks polish? The Windows UI is smooth as butter even on low end devices and it feels pretty intuitive. My mother has no issue navigating around her Windows Phone.

Yeah because idiots like you keep slandering it instead of actually trying.

Ahhhh....welcome to Gawker.