
From talking to former Riot devs it seems like their “flat management” seems to cause this culture. The idea is that there are no bosses but in reality it means you have a hundred bosses and the bossiest person gets their way.

Seriously! Won’t anybody think about the meninists FFS?? Let’s bump penises and fight the good fight.

Can you explain that again please? I don’t understand.

I’m going to lose my job, house, start skipping meals, neglecting personal hygiene, all because I’m too busy reading the comments on this article. Gold, pure gold, every last one ... though not always for the same reasons ...

omigosh i HATE split hairs

honestly what’s fucking me up more than anything about this is that Jezebel Man Bobby Finger™ is getting mansplained to and i just didn’t know anyone but womenz could have that honor

So now you get the land and the sky? So fkn sexist.

huMANity? Typical.

no need for pay equality bc i’ll stop working when i find my rich husband

ah yes WAR