
I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

Fuck off.

I’m disgusted, this money could have been spent on football.

Splinter dunking on literally everyone and everything is honestly starting to get tiresome.

This illegitimate motherfucker just physically threatened the majority of Americans that disapprove of him.

This is going to turn into an old off between diamond Joe and Bernie isn’t it?

Almost makes you wish the damn Rapture would happen just so you don’t have to listen to them pretend to care about anti-semitism.

WASPs concern-trolling about Jews is a new level of hell

Yeach, it’s a real drag there are studios throwing money at exciting filmmakers and not at all interfering artistically. It was way better when interesting filmmakers could only make a movie if a studio gutted it so much it no longer resembled their movie

Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles

Yes, I remember all the well-reported liberal outrage over First man, which I’m sure will attach to this documentary as well. What a salient, insightful observation. I’m sure you have made many liberals cry. Well done.

I just wanted to say that you and Gita are a big reason why I still read Kotaku - despite every time I open one of these articles knowing the kinds of crap that are going to be in the comments. Thank you for your articles and pieces - they mean a lot.

It also doesn’t mean folks need to freak out if other people are disappointed. If it doesn’t bother you, that’s fine.

Ubisoft, especially pre-release, were saying one thing about how the game would handle player’s sexual expression. They did another here, and seem to have acknowledged it given they’re willingness to

This is pretty disrespectful to the countless players who had their characters forced to act in a way contrary to how they’d done things. Particularly LGBTQA players who were blindsided into this.

It’s not a matter of offensive. It’s a matter of respecting players and their approaches. This plot point failed to do

You can make a good argument for Roma, The Favourite, and Black Panther* all being robbed and all being the sort of movies that have been Best Picture winners in the past

Literally nothing is stopping this story from being about a 9 year old.

Nobody alive today has a grandparent who was a slave.

Thank you for reading! I agree that this is not specifically a video game issue and interviews with law enforcement corroborate that. However, I do think that online predation has changed a lot over the last fifteen years and these incidents in the gaming community offer special insight into how. Online platforms that

“Can’t you just let his corpse collect royalties in peace?”

One time I got so frustrated playing Ninja Gaiden I burned a cross on my neighbors lawn.