
The attack as you call it isn’t anything. Like... you can’t even say in words what the attack consisted of, other than accusing you of posting in bad faith, which I fully believe you have here. Are you really pretending the only option for all the Trump loyalists is top level, executive jobs where they will continue

He abused authority, he shouldn’t be given a position of authority again. The fact that you’re pretending this is a really complex or confusing idea says a lot about YOU.

I argue to this day that while the very final moments might not have been fantastic, the “ending” is the entire game. The whole 3rd game is a finale to the characters and relationships we love, and there were many satisfying endings within that. So what if the final shots fall a bit flat? 

If game journalists and scalpers are the only people with “next-gen” consoles are the PS4 and Xbox One really the last generation, or still the current one? I know I resorted to picking up Miles Morales on PS4 and AC Valhalla on PC. I’ll probably get Immortals and Cyberpunk on PC, too, and that right there were all

Maybe they should have pulled those games. Maybe if these digital storefronts stop carrying broken games it would give publishers incentive to not release broken games. CDPR doesn’t care about you dude, you gain nothing by defending them.

Also okay to understand that not all “art” is “Art”. That not every piece of media entertainment has to be viewed and criticized under the same microscope.

If you want your reviewers to clap like a seal because the game looks and feels expensive, IGN.com is right there.

Or spending all day being mad because you had it in your cart, had the payment info in there hit the order button and then the system took your order away from you....

You missed “spend all day reseting the Walmart purchase page” as a tip. 

“We need to be more like the Greeks and the Romans!”

Despite how “dead” Red Dead Redemption’s open world is from an interactivity perspective, it never felt like a knock against it. In large part because of the fact that the frontier it was recreating is and was mostly empty and inhospitable. You’d see tumbleweeds roll along the ground. You’d see grass or trees sway in

I don’t know about that. This review feels distinctly Kotaku for me. They tend to focus much more on the experience of playing a game and explore the themes and ideas presented. There are plenty of other major outlets the will take the approach of a bullet list of features and ignore issues of tone and messaging.

That’s a pretty normal reaction to pervasive, dehumanizing violence in the real world. Shock gives way to numbness as you try to cope, which eventually mutates into anger as you realize the pointless, destructive nature of it all. You’re mad all the time, you just want it to be over, but you can’t quit, not until the

What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.

I like the cut of what you’re puttin’ down

I finally watched the Joker this week and ended up feeling like it’s a weird movie to generate so much praise and hatred. For context I afterwards watched King of Comedy, and it struck me that what Joker misses is some sort of psychological and/or moral clarity about the character we’re watching. Without that it’s

In true Luke Plunkett fashion, I’m gonna rank your 10 GOTY picks in order of which provides the best sneakerhead experience.

I’d like to offer Mad Max here - which I’ve seen on multiple occasions people (myself included) refer to as the greatest 7/10 game you’ll ever play.

It’s better I guess... let’s just all stop complaining and see how this turns out.