It must be Xur's way of screwing Warlocks in the real world. We can't even get a good, exotic looking lego.
It must be Xur's way of screwing Warlocks in the real world. We can't even get a good, exotic looking lego.
Fatal Frame confirmed!
I totally abllah blahh blahh
It's Piet Mondrian.
And that his shoes were always in the same position for 100 days.
same here
Hey Keza, you are not working for ign anymore?
I have a theory where the future of going to "war" will actually be fought through the likes of games similar to Call of Duty and Battlefield.
I keep the phone on silent while at work. Don't like to bug my coworkers with some loud and obnoxious notification sounds. So It's a great app for that.
This is awesome! Thank You!
But most of these free to play games are these mmo, online which I don't really care for.
Yes I truly urge you to try Live. (sarcasm)
Sony PlayStation Plus 1 Year Subscription ($30) | Dell
My local best buy had Microsoft sponsors showing off the Xbox One, coincidentally the PS4 was off.
Are the Playstation Plus memberships deal while supplies last?
My local best buy mentioned that they will have 400 in stock for Black Friday.