Seems a little faster.
Seems a little faster.
I've said this all along. Buttons are defined, bodily gestures and movement are not. While the PR behind motion gaming would have you believe 'you are the controller' is easier - it really isn't once you leave simple mundane movements behind.
Rush, how right you are. That's liberalism for you. Just hope you feel the same way about the new game I'm developing, "World at War with Rush Limbaugh's Rainbow Army of Baby Eating Hitler Zombies"
Product placement is so disgustingly deceptive anymore. I mean, does Ellen, Oprah or any of these people really like Kinect or would they praise purses made from baby seals if paid enough. At least in the old old days it was right up front and in the open.
"Turning many titles into "rides."" Very well put. Far too many games are becoming $60 interactive movies. I love Super Meat boy.
Remember the PS3 dildo controller they showed off at E3...just because it is fugly now doesn't mean Sony will release it looking like this.
Choice is good. So far we have a choice between overpriced or under delivering.
OS X isn't going to be locked to the app store is it? That would be the big difference between it and the iPhone. Users will have other ways to get apps.
Now you have three ticket choices - Coach, First Class or Mile High Club.
Future of sports gaming is subscriptions, thank you EA...for finding one more way to rape us gamers
Did HPalm not learn anything from watching RIM release the "evolutionary" Torch exclusively on a carrier whose focus is elsewhere? Can we make "Kinned" a word - like "Munsuned"? As in, "The Palm Pre 2 is gonna get Kinned".
Movie stunk. Ancient cultures did not view people as equals and a royal bloodline would be equated to gods. No way does a street kid get adopted unless something out of this world happens to convince the king of this.
So the industry has a product that once unwrap is bound to you. Beause you can't return it for you money if unwrapped and you can't try it unless you unwrap it and agree to the EULA which now means you can't even sell it at a loss used. EULA this, game industry.
By far my favorite :
@Cromwell: Sprint (CDMA) has a W7 phone.
We are pretty much seeing the end of 'subsidized' cell phones. Now lets see the end of being locked into these crappy carriers and plans for 2 years. While we are at it how about an end to locking customers into using 'their' phones.
Kind of ironic that US soldiers are not afforded the same freedoms they put their lives on the line to defend.
@gemcosta: The problem is what RIM knows how to do best, the business smartphone, is merging with what Apple and Google know best, consumer touchscreens. The mobile market is not going to be segmented into distinct business and consumer sides much longer. Those lines are blurring quickly and RIM should feel like they…
@RiotControl: Come on. Since when do view points or ideas have anything to do with US politics. The modern media, led by Washington handlers, have turned politics into a sport - not the internet. People just pick a team to cheer for and hate on the other.
Peter should have said, "every bit as bi-partisan as your news"