
A manager at the local Gamestop played this and Black Ops at an event about a month ago. He enjoyed MOH more because he said it is more gritty and plays a little more down to earth. He said Black Ops continues to become more and more arcade feeling like a Halo or UT rather than a war shooter. Not that it is a bad

@chef_: You think Giz is a bunch of iPhanboys. I'd like to see how much more lopsided this poll would be at Engadget.

Facebooks UI is more than one redesign away from not sucking.

They should call it the Panasonic DOA

This was never about 'free speech'. It was always about 'free publicity'

I guess this kind of makes up for it never appearing on the xbox backwards compatible list. This is my all time favorite game so if I can play it again on the 360 I'll stand in line.

Here is a novel idea. Make games that people want to KEEP.

No matter what Redmond tries to sell it as Windows 7 is just not designed as a tablet ui. Not the ios is, but it is a far cry closer than Windows.

Funny stuff. Loved the mocked up screenshot and the 'street cred' was obviously a jab at Kotick's claim that he was a real gamer. Also love the line, "Atomic can't spend its way to big sales, like Activision can" ..lol

The real question should be why are we still dependent on the carriers to dictate our phone choices?

flap your arms in the air and fly like you just don't care.

Submit this as further proof that actors are very bad at pretending to control video games.

Did the original SMB "sell" ... considering it was in every box.

Who would have thought casual gamers are not in it for the long haul.

Jumping from Blackberry in a month. Androids fragmentation and Verizons heavy handed steering of the Google phones is making Jobs walled garden look attrative.

I can see it coming - Verizon will soon charge an extra $10 to not install crapware on your phone.

$300 for b&w ? WTF Sony

Apple doesn't just want to censor what you can buy but what you say as well.

The buttons have names? Ive always refered to them as the cherry, lime, lemon and blueberry skittle....

This list looks great. Now we can start betting on which ones become the cheesers choice online.