Funny how all these publisher are finding ways to tax the gamer for buying used yet they have no problems making deals with the same devil they say is robbing them. Truth is the only one getting robbed it the consumer from both ends.
Funny how all these publisher are finding ways to tax the gamer for buying used yet they have no problems making deals with the same devil they say is robbing them. Truth is the only one getting robbed it the consumer from both ends.
free speech to the highest bidder
@Twisk: what a twat
Moly is contentious for comparing any of his story work to UP.
@Celestial Panda: So is it releasing in the US? I see no mention of it on Gamestop's website.
@Neural_Net: Yeah, I want some real rally stages and not this XGame BS. Maybe Codies is watching over their shoulder now that a multi-platform WRC game is coming out. I am for sure getting the WRC game. Dirt 3, not so sure. The Codemaster racing games have grown shallow and stale in an attempt to attract Mario Kart…
Priorities at Ubisoft are misaligned. Spending big cash to do a 20 minute promo by Oscar winning film maker over investing that money in development to make a better game is proof of that.
Maybe gamers are just tired of buying the same full priced, sports game year after year for roster updates.
Oh I have to throw out that new 3D BR player I just bought so I can buy a Ultra Blu Ray player...which will be defunct 6mo. later when the 3D UBR player is released. Meh, I'll just stick with streaming content.
@RudestBuddhist: Agreed. I wish they would release a white or non-Reach branded silver edition and I'd buy one. The glossy black just looks cheap to me.
Does anyone else thing they should paint that green and put cutouts of the Scooby gang in the seats of that van?
At least Sony has a handful of mature games compared to MS but both are going about it all wrong. Instead of trying to drag the Wii fanbase over to a more expensive console by offering them what they already have; they should be going after their core, mature audience. Build a strong foundation on your existing base…
MS it out of touch if it thinks a $150 peripheral with a done there, seen that library of 20 $50 is going to drive sales of a $300 console. Casual gamers, who this is targeted at, have better things to spend $500 on. Especially when they could get, and probably have, the same experience on the Wii at half the cost.
I guess Apple didn't see this coming? If you are going to throw mud at your competition you better well expect mud to get thrown back.
That thing is a tank ... does it come with its own wall mount bracket or is that sold separately
Creepy King indeed
stupid Frenchies ... rubbin' IS racin'
More worthless or rarely accessed menus crammed in front of menu items that matter. Is there any doubt these are the same idiots who make Windows?
Does the knowledge that Bobby Kotick once played games or wants to play more but is too busy diminish the fact he is a huge DOUCHE? No, it doesn't.
Reminds me of this movie