I have always argued memorizing strange body gestures and waggles in 3D space is more complicated than memorizing button presses.
I have always argued memorizing strange body gestures and waggles in 3D space is more complicated than memorizing button presses.
Maybe take away the inventory while you are at it. Oh, and how about adding some guns and a look down the sites view. Then set the game in a modern Baghdad or something. Now it is starting to sound hot!
10 - wc - 11 all in less than 12 mo time with only minor changes differentiating the three $60 titles. From what I saw at E3 PES 2011 is the game making a real leap back into the spotlight. FIFA isn't a bad game but like most of the EA sports franchises that AI is maddeningly broken. I'll roll with my old copy of FIFA…
I think the phone has a big market - unfortunately, most of that market doesn't have full time jobs to be able to afford a full price data plan.
Almost as classic as "old man plays Kinect Joy Ride naked" video
So Sony's motion controller shapped like a wand is a great way to experience a game where you use a wand. That's one genre locked up...
WTF is wrong with RPGs (not that Molyneux has ever made one)? Can't people just stick to dumbing down shooters and leave the RPG fans alone?
What's next? Stupid being categorized as a medical diagnosis ?
when and how much?
When are they announcing the Kinect slim? That huge crap won't fit on top of my thin TV.
So where is the system seller that is going to move this product off the shelf and make it a viable consumer base for developers to dump money into?
built-in wireless-n but does it also have the ethernet option...I'm all about the wires.
These are the same kits that have been up for a couple days that don't include gear for USA, Mexico or South Africa? I think these are just a rehash of the kits released way back for the UK.
@sander_dutch: no doubt. Is that image above a Kotaku mock up or is that really MS's ad work? What is up with those outfits? That name? That type face? The fact the only thing they ever show people doing with this is driving or kicking balls.
@hell_snake: If MS got anything with this right it sure isn't going to be the price.
Lets start a pool on which MS Kin device will flop faster.
EA is testing the waters for paid demos. Expect the demo bonus to continue in the future but not the 'free' price of demos.
sitting at work. espn3 is blowed up. :-(
@Kobun: and just when you ditch your cable tv bill your cable ISP will decide they need tiered pricing so on top of your new netflix and hulu subscriptions your cable broadband bill just went up. Oh, and then to put it on your iPad ... yeah, AT&T, they have a plan for that.
@Ryguy226: Yeah, my wife and I played CS all the time. This is very much an HD version of that game. Control mechanics are almost identical. There are many of the same weapons and a few new ones and the way they handle ammo/health is slightly more forgiving.