@etchasketchist: Download the demo and you can see for yourself - the gang is all there although locked in the demo.
@etchasketchist: Download the demo and you can see for yourself - the gang is all there although locked in the demo.
Apple should be thinking DS instead of Wii.
E3 2010 - The year motion controls died....I can only pray that is how it is remembered.
Authorities have just release footage taken from an in-car camera just prior to the crash.
OMG - Joy Ride as a Natal launch title. Watch out Nintendo!!!! lol
Sadly, everyone was funny except Munn. The Asian thing is a hard sell as well. Even if she has Asian in her family you don't really look at her and think - Asian. Too bad they downplayed her good looks; it would be funnier if they played off that more so than her being Asian.
@PwnofProphecy: AOTS is the biggest pile on TVs worst network. It can't hold a candle to anything on Comedy Central.
Are we really siding with the lady who said she is "too hot for work"?
@prez687: Indians v Cubs World Series
The first thing I am going to do is make a video of Jordan singing Nirvana's "rape me".
Ummmm....Hulu is already planning on making you pay; this isn't just an MS thing. Since everything is just speculation and rumor now why not wait and see if you get anything for free...maybe you do. Or maybe you don't because this is Hulu's way of attracting people to its "plus" plan. Maybe MS didn't have the last…
2K5 had it and it was FREE
I doubt this is a 'one-time' $20 fee. I am sure this game is going to have all sorts of level caps and micro-payments. This is EA.
@unfakingbelievable: For most the suicides only highlight the larger issue - that Chinese goods are made mostly in slave labor camps with pre-industrial revolution saftey and quality controls. 800,000 workers working 14x7 with no off time and living in small dorms at the factory making $350 a month - THAT is the issue.
Meh; the corporate reallignments are as common as Lady Gaga wardrobe changes. Things will be the same as it ever was.
Being American did anyone not see this coming? Cartoonish depictions of the human body for sex education is a no no. A bloody chainsaw up the ass though, that's OK (as long as it isn't a female ass).
We have a voice. Stop being a bunch of "I WANT" little brats, grow a spine and think of the bigger picture instead of just YOURSELF. Don't support games that employ this 'used tax' or buy them used and don't pay the tax - just play offline.
Lance taught him everything except how not to get busted.
@acamas: The idea to get people to pay for this - on top of an already pricey monthly fee is BS. It wasn't enough just paying to play; now you pay to change your name, to change your server, to buy a mount to use the auction. I am sure if Activision had it their way real money exchange for goods would already be…
Those are indeed very detailed jaggy polygons