
I thought you couldn't copy/play entire games to these flash drives?

@Evelgest: I think that is the idea. Microsofts magnetic storage is way overpriced compared to the same. However, magnetic media has always had a price advantage per gb compared to solid state media. Now throw in some odd acceptable configuration sizes for flash devices and the price of the MS hard drives actually

Instead of giving a map that shows where the orbs are why not give you a map that shows where you've collected them from. Then if you want to find out where something is you can look online at a completed map and compare to what you are missing on your map. That way both sides are happy.

So what Apple is saying is that iPad is not a contender that any real gaming handheld needs to worry about. Nor does it have the power or functionality to worry the console and desktop contenders. Basically it is going to only be competing with the iPhone/iTouch.

Twisted Sperm Journey

To bring more life to the gameroom they came up with mascots. Wow, did it not cross their mind to bring more life to the arcade with life itself? Gameroom should be an Avatar playground - not a fancy retro game menu.

@Gyaruson 2.0: Splinter Cell Conviction has been getting slagged for its graphics from what I have seen and the last time my non-critical wife and I popped in Vegas she was the one that cut it off because it looked so dated. Yeah, Halo is pretty ugly in my opinion but any developer trying to run with the XBL top 10


$3 for the original version wouldn't be bad but I would rather pay $10 for an updated HD version.

So at best Gamestop will just stop including instructions/covers with used games. Anything that may talk about the DLC content. Win / Win for the customer!!!!

Remaining Ghost fans have just left the building. Good luck impressing the MW and Halo kiddies with your perpetually ugly game engine, Ubi.

@Clatu6: What about the Russian Ultranationalists Space Marines?

@Ryguy226: This is the one time I don't think it will be. The difference being there is nothing pripiatary about a USB flash drive so they have little wiggle room to try and dictate a price. Obviously the global size limit of 16GB is there to ensure that they can still continue to rape customers on 20-250GB HDD prices

Made it to the 230 mark. That's all. *shudder*

Maybe what this is really saying is the gaming media has gone soft - handing out higher and higher scores the bigger and richer the industry gets. Aside from the PC, which has had an infinant life in gaming, this list looks more like a time line than a quality bar.

I have unlocked a free batting helmet and jersey playing MLB2K. Yeah, they are heavily branded with the 2K logo but still free unlike many of the other heavily branded items on XBLA. More games should be offering these rewards instead of trying to rape customers for every last dime. It is sad how low this industry has

@random_droid: Even worse, my gameroom spilled coke all over my TV and burned a hole in my carpet with its cigarette. Not to mention the entire room smells like urin now.

Episodic could have been brilliant. It could have been cheap small bits. Giving gamers a lower entry point into more titles and then letting them consume up the episodes of the games they really loves. Instead MS and EA sound intent on using "episodic" to raise the price of games all together...so for $60 you get half

The beauty of console developement is having a single hardware platform...DOH!

I wouldn't mind $15 for the first few levels of the game and a CREDIT towards the purchase of the full game. Hell, break the games up into a bunch of little bits and let me buy them $15 at a time. So your 8 hour game is only worth $30 or when I get bored of your repetitive 50 hr game I can stop paying at hour 12. I am