
Chatness: Obnoxious

Big red balls...lol

I would argue iRacing is an MMO. Not in the sense that you run dungeons but it is subscription based, has persistant character leveling and all racing is PVP style. Yeah, you don't quest loot to pimp your ride but can you really fit a racing MMO into that mold? AutoAssault tried that and died. Test Drive was somewhat

A forth game called COD Farm would be available on Facebook. The goal would be to milk the COD franchise again and again...and again.....again....click here to milk it again.....and again....again.

Here is a better formula to encourage players to try out different clothing. You don't have to SPELL it out by overpaying John Cleese as a dating mentor. It is this simple. Fancy boy outfit = tears like cheap linen and gets me killed by monster. Need to buy armor.

Nobody changed clothes in Fable II because most of it was ugly and it had no effect on gameplay. Lots of people change clothes in RPGs and seek out all sorts of new an interesting loot. Just look at WOW. Difference is, clothes/armor matters in WOW and it didn't in Fable II. Letting me "woo" some local lass is hardly a

Stimulus = Giving to the rich in the name of the poor

I think Tarantino should get the biggest nod as that video is an obvious lift of his work...which of course, is all lifted from old sexplotation films

@InsanityUK: Which would be ok if game prices started at $20

@Nicholas Pepersack: I have a 360 and could care less if Sony paid Bungie $1 billion to bring Halo Reach to the PS3. I could care even less if Bungie slapped together a port for Sony and released that along side a superior looking 360 version. And if I was at the Halo Reach launch, I surely wouldn't boo anyone if they

Thank you Sid. Thank you for not calling gamers stupid and incapable of 'understanding' features or telling the industry they need to make baby food out of all their games.

Another brand raped of its originality, thrown in a blender and poured into a sippy cup. Great for those still teething but gamers with teeth get tired of eating this same mush disguised in different colors. People aren't teething forever - at some point you are going to have a lot of adults that you are trying to

Now all those Wii shovelware developers can shovel their crap right over to the PS3. If that isn't something to look forward to I don't know what is.

Industry drive to simplicity. I hear the music and movie industries are taking a similar approach - from now on all movies and music releases will feature the Muppets.

Comcast isn't really looking to 'limit' bandwidth. They are just looking for way to slice up and repackage the internet into a buch of costly tiers - just as they do with TV programing. TV is dying and taking $150+ monthly bills with it if they can't start getting a bigger chunk from the internet users.

I swear Molyneux thinks he is god's gift saying that the common gamer is to stupid to understand Fable IIs features. Maybe the fact is Fable II was a watered down, spoon feed, POS RPG and customers didn't use half the 'features' because half the game was a giant flocking bore.

Activision is milking customers with overpriced DLC. EA is holding content hostage to deflate the used game market. Either way you spell it MAPATHY it is not the warm and fuzzy customer hug that these companies want you to believe. It is a tool to maximize profits and see how far they can push the line with customer's

@Kral2: binary is hard

Bit of a lift from A Clockwork Orange