
MS now offering golden tickets to heaven for any gamer who spends $20 or more on Forza 3 DLC.

So by this digital distributions should save the customer some $25 in retail and distribution overhead...waits for savings to be passed down.

Here is my problem with this kind of DLC paid or VIP. Multiplayer DLC divides a games community and typically the developers or gamesmatchmaking does not manage this divided community well.

Fallen Earth...

MS has done to their gaming space what they did to the PC space....screw everyone they can up the arse.

Earth to Sega...1990 called and wants its game ideas back. Totally.

How is this anything more than a makeover for the XBLA menu if you cannot walk around and goof with objects/friends? POINTLESS WASTE OF DEV TIME

Insert Coins ... or in this case - 25msp

Key word - "market". MS has gripped a large enough segment of the population and will now ring it for every cent it is worth while quality and innovation get flushed.

I hope this means they are going to finally keep the music games from filling up the normal DLC channel. There music game DLC channel is nothing new - only a face lift and new search features.

What a stupid ahole. Why not just try to shoplift a Wii instead of armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. With shoplifting people might actually feel bad if you said you just wanted your kids to have a Wii for Christmas. It would have been a mostly forgettable crime vs shooting a store clerk at Christmas for

@Hi-Im-Asylum: Someone who isn't happy with just a robbery charge.

Doesn't much matter - this game is going to be DOA as are all MMOs that don't have "World of Warcraft" in the title. The only thing that may unseat WoW is Star Wars or a new WoW.

GTA has two expansion packs - not episodes. Episodic does not mean a year plus between releases. Episodes needs to be released closely together (month or two) and defined by a pattern (every 1st Tue of month) so gamers can look forward to each new episode rather than just having them drop at random times out of the

Fact: Gamers are more than content with rehashed makeovers and happy to vote creativity and innovation off the island. Publisher take note of how popular this is and will continue to feed gamers more number two.

He just said it will be the "biggest" game of 2010. Maybe he means that literally. Maybe Halo Reach LE will ship in a massive crate complete with lifesize Master Chief armor for $998. That would definitely make it the 'biggest'. Now if by "biggest", he means, "best selling" - ROTFLOL

What bullshit. Really sucks to be the little guy with a great game that nobody can get seen because his publisher can't wine and dine the press.

Now how about some tattoos for my Avatard.

Seeing that this abortion of a game still recieved 58% ... 8% over the midpoint shows just how bad the review scales are tilted.

Why would you buy this game instead of Puzzle Quest anyway. The question that we should be asking is "is it DLC if nobody downloads it?"