
Let me guess...unannounced publisher is Microsoft and not constrained to a specific platform means 360 OR PC. Otherwise, wow!

The should have told MS to Suck My Balls and walked. MS needs to chill on all the over the top censoring they do on Live - after all, you are supposed to be 18+ in order to own an account. I think 18 year olds can deal with Suck my Balls.

Paying more than the price of a gumball for this stuff is just nuts. I do hope that most games will at least start offering some free unlockable Avatar items. I doubt I should get to excited about that because I am sure MS is already dictating what can and cannot be 'free' unlockables and I am sure it isn't anything

Little late with this idea considering Sony has Home, Microsoft has Facebook and Nintendo isn't about to jump onboard MyPredatorSpace.

I played PSU, WOW, Baldurs Gate, D&D and many other RPGs with friends and wouldn't have it any other way. What good is all the customization if you're the only person that will ever see it? Playing alone is what doesn't work. The more the merrier! I am glad someone is finally adding more substance to the FPS. The

Screw safe. Just lock out the kiddies. They are responsible causing most of the immature grief anyway. Besides - the EULA for Live says you have to be 18 years of age.

meh to this junk map - bring on the real DLC maps.

30 MIL and counting just over the weekend. I would project Wednesday at the latest.

Yeah, I have so much respect for her not showing the bush. Now she can just go back to her respectable job of cleavage girl for the pubesent boys network.

This is a legendary 2D fighter. Has to be on any serious players short list.

People are flocking sheep

So they can sell it on the PS2 for $99 which says to me the hardware and license cost >$99 so the extra $20 is purely about raping customers.

I thought I was already paying the reoccurring season pass - its called GOLD membership. FUMS.

% of people that bought 360 to play games - I would guess 100%. % of people that bought phone to play games - I would guess lucky to be over 15%.

Yeah, we need console price cuts so we can afford spending an extra $120 for all the game+add-ons Activision is releasing this holiday.

Been looking for a new theme and love me some Crackdown.

games that tell great stories? ....he can't even accomplish this with his movies.

EA lawyers + NCAA lawyers ... yeah, the probably haven't thought of this one.

GTA4, RE5 SMB, MGS4 are all bad examples. They would have had sales numbers no matter what time of year they released. Nothing about those examples prove spring/summer releases are a viable solution for the little guy.

This looks soooo different