
The percentage of iPhone's market share that are 'gamers' is smaller than the percentage of PC owners that are gamers. Sure, everyone picks up 'shake-a-fart' or some other drivel over the phone's life but that isn't becasue they are gamers - it is because that gives them one more reason to pull their phone out and

If you are talking cash and not just in store credit that is probably a little better than what you can expect from that other pawn shop everyone so lovingly calls Gamestop.

I want this exact game on the 360...minus the wii waggle of course but otherwise don't change a thing.

So what does 'usage' mean? Is this looking at a 1 to 1 relationship or is it speaking for the entire market share. If the later is the case, then the Wii's second place showing is pretty embarrassing considering its massive market share lead.

They can add all the weapons they want but if they don't fix the uber-craptastic inventory system you will never find them.

Epic is a pretty sad company anymore. Hard to imagine they pioneered so much when it comes to FPS and multiplayer because their recent games are behind the curve in both departments.

If you want to sell me a $20 core game w/ a couple courses and then allow me to add to it as I like with new DLC courses I would pay. If you want to charge me $60 for a game and then nickle and dime me for crap like hats and shoes you can blow me.

First Need for Speed and now this - when will sheep stop supporting these bad rehashes so publishers stop investing in them.

I thought ODST was going to mix up the gameplay but if they are just giving out new Halo 3 maps then multiplayer won't change one iota. Which leads me to ask what the guy above did - why not just do the ODST story as a DLC episode and sell the other map pack for those interested in Halo 3 multiplayer? Why rape

Auto-Healing STINKS! How is that "noob" friendly? All it does is allow better players to duck and heal while noobs still get mowed down and queued back up in the respawn line. Why not make everyone live with their damage - noobs will die just as fast but also get the chance to come back and finish off the veteran

Rockstar's "The Warriors" is an amazing game. It was the perfect evolution of beat-em ups and sadly overlooked because its namesake was a campy 1970s movie nobody under 20 ever heard of. If Rockstar couldn't get a GTA styled, incredibly sophisticated hand-to-hand combat version of The Warriors to fly why would anyone

@sailingtonorway: well put - gamers have only gamers to blame for craptastic sequals, overpaid hollywood stand ins and rehash after rehash of the same old thing. booo gamers

that ad makes it look rather dull

This is the Skate of snowboarding. Destineer is a small unknown publisher but they have put some time and money into making this game happen. Bongfish is developing the game along with the help of a producer from Amped 2 and promise to keep it real. Was originally listed for release this week but got hung up at the

Is someone at MS dating a Majesco exec? Guilty Gear X2, Psychonauts, Raze's Hell and now this.

WARNING : Parents - YOU are responsible for raising your children properly, not Gamestop.

This is what you get for releasing an average game with a foregone icon during the holiday glut. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

All Units

What I just realized after watching this is how much harder it is going to be for the little publishers to get noticed.

Padma Lakshmi is host of Bravo's Top Chef and of all things, x freaking wife, to Rushdie. That dude must be hung.