
If you are going to hold my hand to the point that it feels like my actions are insignificant then at least give me a much more engrossing tale. Oh, and that thing the Eurogamer said about the prince character was on the money.

Looks like they are priced around $70. You can get the jersey, matching shorts and t-shirts here :

This info would be a ton more interesting if it wasn't coming from gamers. I want to know what games the uninformed are buying. Maybe after the holidays Kotaku could ask gamers what games they got as gifts from family and friends who knew they gamed but didn't have a specific list. How many ended up with a copy of

This maybe what can save Lips from flopping. MS should have had this compatibility around from day one.

Best part about this game is all of the mountains are included no matter what store you buy it at.

Halo Wars is to RTS as Hack-n-Slash is to RPG.

Even at 10 hours it seems overpriced at $60. Do publishers really have to wonder that hard why the used market is what it is?

This would make sense. My local Gamestop was just yesterday wondering why their Corp office had sent them a big new restock of Vegas 2 discs.

I wish people would not support exclusive content like this.

All this makes a strong case for truly episodic games.

A little faith has just been restored in humanity. They are not ALWAYS mindless sheep that eat every shiny branded morsel madison avanue feeds them.

An entire mountain sounds like a big chuck of game to be 'only available' at Target. So if I can't get to Target to pick this up then I was just de-sold on buying this game. Was actually looking forward to it until this. When will this exclusive crap stop already.

If these generic pg-13 fatalities where in the original MK game the series would not have made it this far.

I always like Circuit City over Best Buy. Far better rewards card as well. It is a shame the store near me is closing.

Disney's milking of brands makes EA look like an innovation leader. Never thought I would side with EA but I hope this doesn't happen.

Now the question is how much did they spend MAKING the game? Hopefully that answer is well above the $10M spent to advertise the game.

They should taking some of the money used to press discs for a dead system like the PS3 and spent it having MS put it on the BC list as a XO title.